# Get to know her
Don’t talk about yourself, don’t upstage her stories, don’t tell her how good you are. You should be finding out about her…and she should be finding out about you. To find out about her…ask her things about her! You already know all about you, unless she asks, don’t show boat, gloat, try and be macho…woman don’t like it. You will be like every other guy she has met and let go. Simply.
If this is difficult and you need some practice to get the ‘ME ME ME I I I’ out of your system…before meeting up, stand in front of a mirror and have a conversation about you to you…so your all talked out about yourself and already sick of listening to stuff about you!
If this is difficult and you need some practice to get the ‘ME ME ME I I I’ out of your system…before meeting up, stand in front of a mirror and have a conversation about you to you…so your all talked out about yourself and already sick of listening to stuff about you!
# Be Positive
WOW! Now isn’t this an obvious one! Can you remember a time when you were hanging with a lady and all she could talk about was problems with her girlfriends, people at work, home life, money issues, career issues etc… How fun was it for you? I bet you couldn’t wait to get the hell out of there!! So why does anybody think it will be different if it’s the guy complaining and whining. So, guys, be positive, be happy, nobody…nobody likes a grumpy bum. And if you are in a bad mood prior to meeting up…go watch something funny on YouTube…otherwise instead of talking to her over a platter with cheese…it will just be cheese and a whine.
I know this may be a hard one to do…however doing it lets her know that you are busy and have other things to do than constantly be around for her like a little lap dog. You may think that women need you to be there 24/7. However its so far from the truth its not funny. If you are constantly around and available…it reeks of desperation. Give it a little time, before replying to that message, say no to the first time she gives for a catch up, postpone a get together by a few hours…be difficult but not too difficult to lock down. However, once things get going and it turns into something…this has to stop! Only do this at the start!
# Let her do the last 10%
This is the simply rule of not being desperate. Give her the indications and make the majority of the move, but if you are continually going at it, whether it be a date, a kiss, a hug, a romp in the bedroom…and she doesn’t seal it for you…continually tackling that adventure you want will just push her away and make you seem a lot more desperate. Let her do the last 10%. An example, If you are getting hot and heavy at home in bed…let her take your top off first before you start ravaging her clothes off. This will make her much more comfortable with you and give her the sense that she is in control…when really…you are walking her down your path…however just letting her open the door at the end.