#10 Causes Cancer
Reports suggest that drinking bottled water figures in the list of possible causes of cancer. Plastic is a wonder material for packaging. Almost anything can be packaged easily in plastic containers. Luckily other food products packaged in plastic that have expired or spoilt are easy to detect. The taste and smell of the same can be easily noticed. However when the question comes to bottled water, the scenario is different. These bottles travel miles before they reach your local store. Though well packed, the water begins to absorb dangerous chemicals from plastic and cause health problems.
#9 Encourages Privatization
Did you ever wonder about how bottled water usage is affecting the nation’s economy? When you consider the bigger picture bottled water is all about encouraging privatization. The richer populations are discouraged from investing in public infrastructure and are driven towards private sectors. The simple reason being better profits in quicker time. So by drinking one bottle of packaged water, you are doing a lot of harm to your country’s economy that will affect you either directly or indirectly.
#8 Marketed Rubbish
Never get carried away by the flashy advertisements that you see on the television or listen to on the radio. All claims of bottled water making you feel younger, healthier, fresher are all without specific scientific evidence. The basic purpose of water is for bodily hydration and sustenance. You can be sure that tap water offers you as much benefit as bottled water for a lesser cost. Do not spend extra money for no specific benefit. Drinking bottled water is just a fad – nothing more.
#7 Bad for your Health
Men and women consuming excessive bottled water should become aware of the fact that it could lead to infertility. So in trying to become healthier, the people are losing their very ability to become parents. There are many other health hazards that can be caused. When plastic is in constant contact with water, a chemical called Phthalate is released. This is a toxic substance. It can also lead to various forms of cancer. You are indeed asking for trouble when you opt for packaged water instead of tap water.
#6 Less Regulated
Very few people know that the entire bottled water industry is one of the least regulated organizations. There are no clear standards defined for bottled water. There are no specific rules governing the filtration, clarification, packaging and transport of water in clear plastic bottles. This is due to the reason that it is classified in the food section. On the other hand, tap water comes directly under the local government and is strictly regulated. So the common citizen is better off in using tap water in stead of bottled water.
#5 Morally Disgusting
Considering the calculations above, it could get morally disgusting to note that the average person is spending a fortune on drinking water. This scenario is taking place in a generation where there are still more than 700 million people who till today cannot access clean drinking water. This realistic truth can be morally hurting but still the people who prefer drinking bottled water are the ones who are educated and knowledgeable. People are spending extra money just to drink water packaged in a clear plastic bottle
#4 Expensive Luxury
Bottled water is a luxury – an expensive luxury to be specific. If you have been drinking only bottled water for a year, you will be spending a fortune on it. On average, a person requires about 2 liters of drinking water per day. Consider a year and that is more than seven hundred liters. Imagine the total amount of money that you will be paying for the same – your calculations will result in a staggering amount. This cost is only to you, there are other external costs – ones affecting the environment to be precise.
#3 Plastic Rubbish
Plastic is piling up quick and fast across the globe. It is a serious type of waste as it is not biodegradable. The plastic bottles containing water is simply discarded by the user once empty. Though there have been measures to recycle these bottles, the effort is very less in comparison to the severe damages caused to the environment. Each time you drink bottled water and discard the bottle, think twice. You are doing your bit in causing harm to nature. The plastic rubbish can be very difficult to handle.
#2 Waste of Oil
Bottled water manufacturers may be situated miles away from the main area distributor who in turn will distribute the bottles to the local stores. In the process a large amount of transportation costs are involved. This leads to a large amount of oil going waste. It is common knowledge that heavy transportation leads to excessive amounts of oil usage. Hence your bottle of water is playing a major role in depletion of natural resources like oil. At times while travelling abroad, drinking bottled water can be considered but routine intake is only a waste of oil.
#1 Carbon Footprint
People feel very safe when drinking bottled water. Though it comes in a neatly packed bottle, there are various health hazards that it can bring. One of the most important damages are caused is carbon footprint. You should remember that bottled water comes to you from long distances. The packaging company may be situated far away from your location. The bottle travels this entire duration adding a significant amount of food miles. The inside plastic bottle contains carbon and this can lead to contamination. In the long run, excess carbon in your body can be hazardous.