#5 The Colour Red
Red is the colour of LOVE. It is also the colour of LUST! Men have this weird psychology to get attracted towards women with rouge. A group of men were given a set of pictures of women and asked to rate them. Surprisingly, the women wearing the red colour were given greater grades than the others. When asked what they were thinking about these women, all of them said they made them turned on. This had to be the colour reds as the ones not in red were equally sexy and attractive. Wonder, how much love happens during the Christmas time!
#4 Facebook
Men or women, Facebook has its way of making you horny and ready for some quick action. All those unknown friend requests, the messages for a quick friendship, and those chats with the undertone of sex… it’s all because you are horny. No matter how much you express your displeasure in front of your friends, face it, it kind of turns you on. Facebook is definitely not a dating site. However, it throws open the possibility of secret pleasures. The person on the other side is unknown and that makes your imagination soar and your fantasies stronger. Facebook makes you horny.

#3 Pumpkin Pie
Smell that pie, guy, and you are turned on. That sounds nonsense! But it’s a fact- guys do get turned on when they smell the pumpkin pie. Researchers after conducting a study on odours that aroused men found out that pumpkin pie topped the list. The scent of the pie increased blood flow to the penile section; thereby giving turned on in men and a desire to make love. Here’s a bad advice – when you have nothing to do and a lot of time in hand, smell the pumpkin pie and off you go to the bathroom! Pleasure is all yours.

#2 Fear
One of the greatest fantasies of people is to die making love. Now, death is the most feared of all, yet people are ready to have a romp pre-dying…if you get what I mean. Fear makes a lot of people excited. Life and death surely coexists friend. Making love amidst fear of dying proves humans do love life even when they are dying. A study conducted by University of British Columbia showed that a group of men even when they were on a hanging bridge with a deadly 230 feet drop, all turned to look at the sexy, voluptuous girl.
#1 The Economy
The economy you live in and your drive has a strange connection. When the economy hits a recession and becomes stagnant, peoples’ drive increases manifold. They are hornier in a recession-hit economy and sleep around. One night stands increase during such troublesome times. Man, that’s perhaps the weirdest thing known to mankind. One on hand you are trying everything to save money and on the other you have your hand between your legs! And this phenomenon, my friend, has been going on since prehistoric times. Bad economic conditions kick up our ancestral instincts of preserving our own species.